Награда Еврокон/2000 г.

От БГ-Фантастика
Версия от 23:34, 17 февруари 2007 на (беседа) (HALL OF FAME (Зала на славата))
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Eurocon 2000: Gdansk-Poland (Гданск - Полша)

HALL OF FAME (Зала на славата)

  • Best Author: Ken MacLeod (UK) )Най-добър автор: Кен Маклеод, Обединено кралство)
  • Best Translator: Rolf Andersen (Norway) Най-добър преводач: Ролф Андерсън - Норвегия)
  • Best Promoter: Емануел Икономов (България) (Най-добър популяризатор)
  • Best Journal: Esli (Russia) (Най-добро списание: "Если" - Русия)
  • Best Publisher: Eide Forlag (Norway) (Най-добър издател: Айди Форлаг - Норвегия)
  • Best Artist: Woytek Siudmak (Poland) (Най-добър художник: Войтек Сюдмак - Полша)
  • Best Fanzine: Miesiecznik (Poland) (Най-добър фензин: "Лунник" - Полша)

ENCOURAGEMENT AWARDS: (Поощрителни награди:)

  • Anton Pervushkin (Russia)(Антон Первушкин - Русия)
  • Николай Тодоров (България)
  • Anna Lee (Ukraine) (Анна Ли - Украйна)
  • Anna Brzezinska (Poland) (Ана Брежежинска - Полша)
  • Liviu Radu (Romania) )Ливиу Раду - Румъния)
  • Sabine Wedermeyer (Germany)


'Esli' is the only Russian SF magazine published in 2000. Publishes Russian, English language, and some other SF.

Емануел Икономов. Born 1960 in Sofia. Translator, editor, critic, publisher, author. Founder of the New Bulgarian SF&F series. First SF translation 1979, story 1980.

Initially a promoter of foreign SF, he has now turned to promoting Bulgarian SF which has been neglected by publishers in the 1990s.

Николай Тодоров. Born 1982 in Sofia. Already has had 2 stories published in magazines, and a third in the anthology 'Wonder Horizons'. Has translated English & Spanish works. Considered best young Bulgarian writer.

Eide Forlag. SF publisher in Norwegian. Has placed standard SF/Fantasy works on Norwegian on the market for the very first time.

Rolf Andersen. Translator bringing many classic, and leading edge, SF works into Norwegian for the very first time.

Ken MacLeod. Young Scottish author. The British Rafal Ziemkiewicz, except his politics are Trotskyite-come- Libertarian. Has won the Prometheus and BSFA Awards. Novels - The Star Fraction, The Stone Canal, The Cassini Division, The Sky Road.