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apihelp-purge-example-generator (беседа) (Превеждане) Purge the first 10 pages in the main namespace.
apihelp-purge-example-simple (беседа) (Превеждане) Purge the <kbd>Main Page</kbd> and the <kbd>API</kbd> page.
apihelp-purge-param-forcelinkupdate (беседа) (Превеждане) Update the links tables.
apihelp-purge-param-forcerecursivelinkupdate (беседа) (Превеждане) Update the links table, and update the links tables for any page that uses this page as a template.
apihelp-query+allcategories-description (беседа) (Превеждане) Enumerate all categories.
apihelp-query+allcategories-example-generator (беседа) (Превеждане) Retrieve info about the category page itself for categories beginning <kbd>List</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allcategories-example-size (беседа) (Превеждане) List categories with information on the number of pages in each.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-dir (беседа) (Превеждане) Direction to sort in.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-from (беседа) (Превеждане) The category to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-limit (беседа) (Превеждане) How many categories to return.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-max (беседа) (Превеждане) Only return categories with at most this many members.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-min (беседа) (Превеждане) Only return categories with at least this many members.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-prefix (беседа) (Превеждане) Search for all category titles that begin with this value.
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-prop (беседа) (Превеждане) Which properties to get:
apihelp-query+allcategories-param-to (беседа) (Превеждане) The category to stop enumerating at.
apihelp-query+allcategories-paramvalue-prop-hidden (беседа) (Превеждане) Tags categories that are hidden with <code>__HIDDENCAT__</code>.
apihelp-query+allcategories-paramvalue-prop-size (беседа) (Превеждане) Adds number of pages in the category.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-description (беседа) (Превеждане) List all deleted revisions by a user or in a namespace.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-example-ns-main (беседа) (Превеждане) List the first 50 deleted revisions in the main namespace.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-example-user (беседа) (Превеждане) List the last 50 deleted contributions by user <kbd>Example</kbd>.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-end (беседа) (Превеждане) The timestamp to stop enumerating at.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-excludeuser (беседа) (Превеждане) Don't list revisions by this user.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-from (беседа) (Превеждане) Start listing at this title.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-generatetitles (беседа) (Превеждане) When being used as a generator, generate titles rather than revision IDs.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-miser-user-namespace (беседа) (Превеждане) <strong>Note:</strong> Due to [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgMiserMode|miser mode]], using <var>$1user</var> and <var>$1namespace</var> together may result in fewer than <var>$1limit</var> results returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-namespace (беседа) (Превеждане) Only list pages in this namespace.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-prefix (беседа) (Превеждане) Search for all page titles that begin with this value.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-start (беседа) (Превеждане) The timestamp to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-tag (беседа) (Превеждане) Only list revisions tagged with this tag.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-to (беседа) (Превеждане) Stop listing at this title.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-param-user (беседа) (Превеждане) Only list revisions by this user.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-paraminfo-nonuseronly (беседа) (Превеждане) Cannot be used with <var>$3user</var>.
apihelp-query+alldeletedrevisions-paraminfo-useronly (беседа) (Превеждане) May only be used with <var>$3user</var>.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-description (беседа) (Превеждане) List all file usages, including non-existing.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-B (беседа) (Превеждане) List file titles, including missing ones, with page IDs they are from, starting at <kbd>B</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-generator (беседа) (Превеждане) Gets pages containing the files.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-unique (беседа) (Превеждане) List unique file titles.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-example-unique-generator (беседа) (Превеждане) Gets all file titles, marking the missing ones.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-dir (беседа) (Превеждане) The direction in which to list.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-from (беседа) (Превеждане) The title of the file to start enumerating from.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-limit (беседа) (Превеждане) How many total items to return.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-prefix (беседа) (Превеждане) Search for all file titles that begin with this value.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-prop (беседа) (Превеждане) Which pieces of information to include:
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-to (беседа) (Превеждане) The title of the file to stop enumerating at.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-param-unique (беседа) (Превеждане) Only show distinct file titles. Cannot be used with $1prop=ids. When used as a generator, yields target pages instead of source pages.
apihelp-query+allfileusages-paramvalue-prop-ids (беседа) (Превеждане) Adds the page IDs of the using pages (cannot be used with $1unique).
apihelp-query+allfileusages-paramvalue-prop-title (беседа) (Превеждане) Adds the title of the file.
apihelp-query+allimages-description (беседа) (Превеждане) Enumerate all images sequentially.
apihelp-query+allimages-example-B (беседа) (Превеждане) Show a list of files starting at the letter <kbd>B</kbd>.
apihelp-query+allimages-example-generator (беседа) (Превеждане) Show info about 4 files starting at the letter <kbd>T</kbd>.
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