МедияУики:Gadget-Quick patrol.js

От БГ-Фантастика
Версия от 23:45, 15 септември 2009 на Борислав (беседа | приноси) (Enhance recent changes patrol.)
(разл) ← По-стара версия | Текуща версия (разл) | По-нова версия → (разл)
Направо към: навигация, търсене
	Enhance recent changes patrol.
	Author: Borislav Manolov
	License: Public domain

if ( window.importScript && ! window.jQuery ) {

var WebRequest = {
	/** Get a parameter from the requested URL */
	getParam: function(param)
		var m = this.getRequestUrl().match( new RegExp("[?&]" + param + "=([^&#]*)") );
		return null === m ? null : m[1];
	requestUrl: null,

	getRequestUrl: function()
		return this.requestUrl || location.href;
	setRequestUrl: function(url)
		this.requestUrl = url;

	"markaspatrolledtext1" : "Отбелязване на следната редакция като проверена",
	"markaspatrolledtext"  : "Отбелязване на следните $1 редакции като проверени",
	"markedaspatrolledtext1": "Редакцията беше отбелязана като проверена.",
	"markedaspatrolledtext" : "Готово.",
	"showalldiffs"      : "Показване на редакциите",
	"recentchangespage" : "Специални:Последни промени",
	"nchanges"          : "\\d+ промени"
}, "bg");

	Ajaxify patrol links.
	@uses jQuery
var QuickPattroler = {
	linkClassWorking: "working",

	enable: function()
		$(".patrollink a").live("click", function(){
			return false;

	executePatrol: function(link)
		var $link = $(link).addClass( this.linkClassWorking );
		$.post(link.href, function(data){
			$link.replaceWith( gLang.msg("markedaspatrolledtext1") );

	gotoRcIfWanted: function()
		if ( window.wgxQuickPatrolLoadRc && wgxQuickPatrolLoadRc ) {
			location.href = Creator.createInternUrl( gLang.msg("recentchangespage") );

	Enable bunch patrolling when multiple edits are reviewed at once
	thru the enhanced recent changes
	@uses jQuery
var BunchPatroller = {

	apiPath: wgScriptPath + "/api.php",
	rcidsParam: "rcids",
	diffsParam: "diffs",
	paramDelim: ",",
	bunchDiffLinkClass: "bunch-duff-link",
	diffLinkClass: "duff-link",
	diffLinkClassDone: "done",
	diffLinkClassNotDone: "not-done",
	classLoading: "loading",

	/* track number of patrolled edits */
	numEditsPatrolled: 0,

	/* error codes returned from API */
	errors: [],

	/** Works on Special:Recentchanges */
	makeBunchDiffsPatrollable: function()

	makeBunchDiffPatrollable: function(changeslist)
		var $rcidLinks = $("a[href*=rcid]", changeslist);
		var rcids = BunchPatroller.getJoinedValueFromHrefs($rcidLinks, /rcid=(\d+)/);
		if ( "" !== rcids ) {
			var diffs = BunchPatroller.getJoinedValueFromHrefs($rcidLinks, /diff=(\d+)/, /oldid=(\d+)/);
			this.enhanceBunchDiffLink($(changeslist).prev(), rcids, diffs);

	getJoinedValueFromHrefs: function($links, regexp, regexpAlt)
		return $links.map(function(){
			var m = $(this).attr("href").match(regexp);
			if ( null === m && typeof regexpAlt == "object" ) {
				// test the fallback regexp
				m = $(this).attr("href").match(regexpAlt);
			return null === m ? 0 : m[1];

		Add extra parameters to the href attribute of the bunch diff link.
		If there is no diff link (by new pages) one is created.
	enhanceBunchDiffLink: function($holder, rcids, diffs)
		var extraParams = "&" + BunchPatroller.rcidsParam + "=" + rcids
			+ "&" + BunchPatroller.diffsParam + "=" + diffs;

		var $link = $("a[href*=diff]", $holder);
		if ( $link.length ) {
			$link.attr("href", function(){
				return this.href + extraParams;
			}).addClass( BunchPatroller.bunchDiffLinkClass );
		} else {
				$("td:eq(1)", $holder), // second table cell
				diffs.split(this.paramDelim).shift(), // first id

	addBunchDiffLinkTo: function($holder, diff, extraParams)
		$holder.html( $holder.html().replace(
			new RegExp( gLang.msg("nchanges") ),
			'<a href="' + wgScript + "?diff=" + diff + "&oldid=" + diff + extraParams
				+ '" class="' + BunchPatroller.bunchDiffLinkClass + '">$&</a>') );

	/** Works on diff pages */
	enable: function()
		$bunchPatrolLinkHolder = $("#mw-diff-ntitle4");
		if ( 0 == $bunchPatrolLinkHolder.length ) {
			return; // not a diff page, get out of here

		var rcidsRaw = WebRequest.getParam(this.rcidsParam);
		if ( ! rcidsRaw ) {
			return; // no rcids to patrol

		var rcids = rcidsRaw.split(this.paramDelim);
		this.addPatrolLinkTo($bunchPatrolLinkHolder, rcids);

		var diffs = WebRequest.getParam(this.diffsParam).split(this.paramDelim);
		this.addDiffLinksTo($bunchPatrolLinkHolder, rcids, diffs);


	addPatrolLinkTo: function($holder, rcids)
		if ( $holder.children().length ) {
		$('<a href="#executePatrol"/>')
			.text( rcids.length == 1
				? gLang.msg("markaspatrolledtext1")
				: gLang.msg("markaspatrolledtext", rcids.length) )
				$(this).addClass( QuickPattroler.linkClassWorking );
				BunchPatroller.executePatrol(rcids, this);
				return false;

	addDiffLinksTo: function($holder, rcids, diffs)
		var $list = $("<ul/>");
		$.each(diffs, function(i, diff){
			$list.append( BunchPatroller.getDiffLink(rcids[i], diff) );

	addShowAllDiffsLinkTo: function($holder)
		$('<a href="#alldiffs"/>')
			.text( gLang.msg("showalldiffs") )
				$all = $('<div id="alldiffs"/>').insertAfter( $holder.parents(".diff") );

				$("." + BunchPatroller.diffLinkClass, $holder).each(function(){
					BunchPatroller.loadDiffContentFor(this, $all);


	loadDiffContentFor: function(link, $holder)
		var $out = $("<div/>").appendTo($holder).addClass(this.classLoading).before("<hr/>");

		$.get(link.href + "&diffonly=1&action=render", function(data){
			$out.html(data).removeClass( BunchPatroller.classLoading );

	getDiffLink: function(rcid, diff)
		return '<li><a'
			+ ' id="' + this.getDiffLinkId(rcid) + '"'
			+ ' class="' + this.diffLinkClass + '"'
			+ ' href="' + wgScript + '?oldid=prev&diff=' + diff + '&rcid=' + rcid + '"'
			+ '>' + diff +'</a></li>';

	getDiffLinkId: function(rcid)
		return "diff-link-" + rcid;

	executePatrol: function(rcids, motherLink)
		var token = this.getToken();

		$.each(rcids, function(i, rcid){
			BunchPatroller.executePatrolOne(token, rcid);

		this.executeOnPatrolDone(function() {
			if ( BunchPatroller.checkForBadToken() ) {
				BunchPatroller.restartPatrol(rcids, motherLink);
			$(motherLink).replaceWith( gLang.msg("markedaspatrolledtext") );
		}, rcids);

	restartPatrol: function(rcids, motherLink)
		this.errors = [];
		this.numEditsPatrolled = 0;
		$("." + this.diffLinkClass).removeClass(BunchPatroller.diffLinkClassNotDone);
		BunchPatroller.clearToken().executePatrol(rcids, motherLink);

	intervalId: 0,
	executeOnPatrolDone: function(callback, rcids)
		this.intervalId = setInterval(function(){
			if ( BunchPatroller.numEditsPatrolled >= rcids.length ) {
		}, 200);

	executePatrolOne: function(token, rcid)
		var $diffLink = $("#" + BunchPatroller.getDiffLinkId(rcid));
		$diffLink.addClass( QuickPattroler.linkClassWorking );
		$.post(BunchPatroller.apiPath, {
			action : "patrol",
			token  : token,
			rcid   : rcid,
			format : "json"
		}, function(data){
			$diffLink.removeClass( QuickPattroler.linkClassWorking );
			if ( data.error ) {
				BunchPatroller.handleError(data.error, $diffLink);
			} else {
		}, "json");

	handleError: function(error, $diffLink)
		$diffLink.attr("title", error.info);

	checkForBadToken: function()
		return inArray("badtoken", this.errors);

	tokenCookie: "patrolToken",

	getToken: function()
		var token = Cookie.read(this.tokenCookie);
		if ( ! token ) {
			token = this.getTokenFromApi();
			Cookie.create(this.tokenCookie, token);

		return token;

	getTokenFromApi: function()
		var token = null;
			type:     "GET",
			url:       this.apiPath + "?action=query&list=recentchanges"
						+ "&rctoken=patrol&rclimit=1&format=json",
			async:     false,
			dataType: "json",
			success:  function(data){
				token = data.query.recentchanges[0].patroltoken;
		return token;

	clearToken: function()
		return this;


// prepare for fight
	if ( /^(Recentchanges|Watchlist)/.test(wgCanonicalSpecialPageName) ) {
	} else if ( "view" == wgAction ) {